Current Projects
European Union
- INITIO (Innovative chemical sensors for enantioselective detection of chiral pollutants); coordinator Prof. Paolesse, start Jan 2019-2022
- IMPAQT (Intelligent Management system for integrated multi-troPhic AQuaculTure); coordinator Scottish Marine Institute (UK); start: 2018-2021
- PhasmaFOOD (Portable photonic miniaturised smart system for on-the-spot food quality sensing); coordinator Intrasoft International SA, Bruxelles (Belgium); start: 2017 – 2020
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Early Detection of red palm weevil (RPW) chemical communication cues using sensors based on RPW olfaction proteins and volatile organic compounds; University of Rome Tor Vergata; July 2018- Dec 2020
INAIL (Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione e Infortuni sul lavoro)
- Sistema integrato di sensori mobili e fissi per la mappatura dinamica spazio-temporale di composti volatili in un ambiente lavorativo; University of Rome Tor Vergata; start: 2020-2022
- Valutazione sperimentale dell’efficacia delle misure in atto per la mitigazione dell’esposizione a formaldeide nel comparto lavorativo sanitario e negli altri scenari occupazionali e sviluppo di sensoristica ad elevata innovatività tecnologica per gestire il rischio formaldeide in ambito lavorativo”; University of Rome Tor Vergata; start: 2019-2021
Regione Lazio
Past Projects
European Union
- Integrated intelligent sensor system for improved security of water supply (ISIS); coordinator: CTech Ltd, Chester (UK); start: January 2014; project website:
- Sniffer for concealed people discovery (SNOOPY); coordinator: University of Brescia (Italy); start: January 2014;
National Institute of Health
- Determination of Exhaled Biomarkers for Low-Cost Diagnosis and Monitoring of Tuberculosis coordinator: Botswana-Penn Partnership; start: March 2014
Fondazione Umberto Veronesi
- Studio dei composti volatili prodotti da cellule tumorali con un sistema olfattivo artificiale mirato alla diagnosi precoce delle patologie neoplastiche; coordinator: University of Rome Tor Vergata; start: April 2014
INAIL (Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione e Infortuni sul lavoro)
- Progettazione e sviluppo di un sistema sensoriale per la misura di composti organici volatili e la identificazione di microorganismi di interesse occupazionale; University of Rome Tor Vergata; start: July 2017
Regione Lazio
- SOCIAL ELECTRICAL NETWORK, theme: Bioedilizia e Smart Building:
- SMART PATROLLING SYSTEM, theme: Aerospazio e Sicurezza
Generalitat de Catalunya
- SUBSERSENSE (Desenvelupament de sistema de detecciò d’aromes en taps de suro mitjançant sensors microelectrònics
Major Laboratory Equipments
Laboratories are located at the Department of Electronic Engineering and at the Department of Chemical Science and technology
- Chemical synthesis laboratory
- Microdrop machine for patterned organic film
- Home-made spray coating for organic film deposition
- Atomic Force Microscopy
- Kelvin Probe
- Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometer
- UV-Vis spectrophotometer and Fluorimeter
- Gas sensors test facilities with three mass flow controllers each
- Electronics testing and prototyping
- Molecular modeling: Spartan-suite (Wavefunction inc.)
Access to facilities at the Department of Chemical Science and Technology
- Scanning Electron Microscopy